Senior Lead Educator of Science, Gifted & Talented, and State Testing
Jennifer Brandon
609.835.8600 x1035
"Today more than ever before, science holds the key to our survival as a planet and our security and prosperity as a nation" (Obama, 2008).
Willingboro Public Schools uses a digital platform called OnCourse to house all of our curriculum guides by content area and grade level. This setup allows for instructional transparency, instantaneous curricular revisions, and vertical and horizontal mapping in all content areas. All parents and students have access to view our curricula through a Public Portal. Please use the link below to access these guides:
The Willingboro Public Schools Science program is dedicated to delivering our students an innovative hands-on science program. Our program supports the State's vision that scientifically literate students will gain the knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts as required for personal decision-making, participation in civic and cultural affairs, and economic productivity.
WPS integrates instruction that is "hands-on" with students using materials to experience active science.
There are adequate and safe facilities, equipment, and materials for science activities.
There are clearly stated goals for the science curriculum and science lessons.
Our science classes utilize the FOSS resource in all grades 1-5.
Students are encouraged to ask questions about the world around them and practice science skills.
Students' science experiences teach them to connect science concepts to their experience, see how human nature influences science, and explore how science and technology affects their lives.
The science classes include activities that engage students in applying their science skills and understandings to examine social issues, solve real problems and make decisions.
Students have the opportunity to use a variety of equipment and technology in their scientific investigations.
Students learn how to find out and make up their own minds by experimenting and investigating how the world works rather than just memorizing facts.
Students are learning how to conduct scientific inquiry and use data to explain their conclusions.
The process of investigation and explanation is just as important as knowing "the" answer.
Students have frequent and consistent opportunities to participate in active science learning.
Students have science experiences and activities every day in science class.
Students are being taught science every year, beginning in kindergarten and continuing until high school graduation.
Students study life science, earth & space science, and physical science in their science program.
Teachers plan instruction that builds on what students know and think to increase students' scientific understanding.
Teachers use the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Science to plan lessons that are challenging, engaging and age appropriate.
There are resources and opportunities for students to do at-home science activities like participating in the STEM Conference.
WPS integrates instruction that is "hands-on" with students using materials to experience active science.
There are adequate and safe facilities, equipment, and materials for science activities.
There are clearly stated goals for the science curriculum and science lessons.
Our science classes utilize the Lab Aids resource in grades 6-12.
Students are encouraged to ask questions about the world around them and practice science skills.
Students' science experiences teach them to connect science concepts to their experience, see how human nature influences science, and explore how science and technology affects their lives.
The science classes include activities that engage students in applying their science skills and understandings to examine social issues, solve real problems and make decisions.
Students have the opportunity to use a variety of equipment and technology in their scientific investigations.
Students learn how to find out and make up their own minds by experimenting and investigating how the world works rather than just memorizing facts.
Students are learning how to conduct scientific inquiry and use data to explain their conclusions.
The process of investigation and explanation is just as important as knowing "the" answer.
Students have frequent and consistent opportunities to participate in active science learning.
Students have science experiences and activities every day in science class.
Students are being taught science every year, beginning in kindergarten and continuing until high school graduation.
Students study life science, earth & space science, and physical science in their science program.
Teachers plan instruction that builds on what students know and think to increase students' scientific understanding.
Teachers use the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Science to plan lessons that are challenging, engaging and age appropriate.
There are resources and opportunities for students to do at-home science activities like participating in the STEM Conference.
A great resource for parents, students, and teachers. There are links to many science and science education sites here that will assist in all facets of WPS science learning.