Chimeras featured in @burlcotimes article around civics and tomorrow's important election. Check out the story in this link,
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Chimeras in the news
Parent Involvement in the IEP Process: Overview of Rights -->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Check out the Parent Resource Center's Fall Newsletter here -->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Congratulations to our own Principal Burgess for receiving the most honorable, National Distinguished Principal, recognition from the National Association of Elementary School Principals...representing New Jersey! See the story here -->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Join the 15-Minute Child Break Parent Presentation and spend an hour learning how to talk to your kids about drugs and alcohol. See the flyer here -->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Willingboro School District Special Education Parent Advisory Group Meeting. See the flyer here -->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Please click here --> to view a special notice from the Board Secretary regarding an upcoming board meeting time change.
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Our Office of Curriculum and Instruction has a new monthly newsletter called Curriculum Matters. Check it out here -->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Due to unsafe field conditions, the Willingboro Football game scheduled for 9/28/18 of Cinnaminson vs. Willingboro, will be played at Moorestown High School. Game time is scheduled for 7:30pm. We understand that this is Senior Night, along with Homecoming and are planning on making the event as close to normal as possible. Please understand we have exhausted all other possibilities to ensure everyone was considered in this decision. Please plan accordingly with our new change of venue and time. The Athletic Department will be reaching out to individual departments to ensure specific requirements are handled and addressed concerning these changes. We hope to have a memorable Homecoming, Senior Night and Football game.
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
WPS Grading Regulation Revisions: In July 2018, the Willingboro BOE adopted revisions to its Regulation on the Grading System (2624). Please click on the link to learn more.
over 6 years ago, Ron Zalika
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Preschool Funding Grant
Check out a Willingboro Alumni on the hit show Magnum PI on CBS. -->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
WHS Alumni on Magnum PI
Greetings Willingboro Family, If you are interested in finding out more information regarding employment opportunities with our Security Vendor please click here ->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Staff : Take a look at the September 4th-7th Professional Development Schedule HERE ->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Read the Superintendent's Welcome Back Letter HERE ->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Check out the Official District Map of Attendance Zones, 1st - 4th grade ->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
District Re-Organization - Please click this link -> for an important update regarding our 2018-2019 school year District Re-organization.
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
New Online Lunch Application!! Please click here -> to fill out your lunch application online. You can also click here -> for a printable version of the application.
over 6 years ago, The Chimera
Curriculum Information Session on Thursday, September 6th at the Country Club Administration Building, starting at 5:15pm. Please click link for more information ->
over 6 years ago, The Chimera