Good afternoon Cotten Club Community, This is a friendly reminder that there is no afterschool programs on Fridays. Have a great weekend. Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment at JAC
9 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
Good day James A. Cotten Intermediate School Community, We are excited to end our Spirit Week tomorrow with a James A. Cotten Intermediate School Pep Rally!!!! We are encouraging everyone to wear ORANGE!!!!!! We are The Cotten Club!!!!! Let's GOOOOO!!!!! Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment at James A. Cotten Intermediate School
9 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
Good afternoon JAC School Community, We are preparing for our WING WARS here at James A. Cotten Intermediate School. Each wing will have an opportunity to earn pizza parties, prizes and more for outstanding academics and behavior. We have prizes of thermos, keychains, personalized trinkets, glow in the dark flares and more!!!! We want our students to participate in all of these great events, however, students must put their best foot forward and follow student code of conduct policies to earn rewards. Great behavior earns great rewards in school and in life. We look forward to having an outstanding time as we motivate students to exhibit positive behaviors that generate positive results. Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment at JAC Wing Wars Flyer
9 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
To JAC School Community, I would like to take this time to thank our parents for their outstanding work getting their children prepared for the James A. Cotten "Dress Like a Professional Day" ! The children presented as professional athletes, lawyers, teachers, journalists, doctors and businessmen. This was the most impressive "Dress Like A Professional Day" I have seen in my career !!! Thank you parents for a job well done and thank you to the staff for your dedication and commitment to having a successful day for our students. Regards, Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment at JAC
9 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
To the JAC School Community, Tomorrow will be JAC PAJAMA DAY, and we want to ensure that all students, faculty and parents know the requirements for participation. The following requirements must be met to participate tomorrow: 1) Student pajamas must be appropriate ( Must be loose fitting with long pajama pants) 2) Pajamas must not be sheer (no see through clothing allowed) 3) Students must wear regular footwear (no slippers or slides permitted) Anyone addressed inappropriately will be sent home. We look forward to having another successful day for Spirit Week. Dr. Butler
9 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
To James A. Cotten Intermediate School Community, Tomorrow, Thursday, May 2, 2024, there will be no afterschool programs due to schoolwide faculty meeting. All students must be dismissed by 2:45pm. Have a great day, Dr. Butler
10 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
Good afternoon James A. Cotten Intermediate School Community, This is a friendly reminder that there are no afterschool programs on Fridays. Thanks, and have a great weekend ! Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment at James A. Cotten Intermediate School
10 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
To James A. Cotten Intermediate School Community, Tomorrow, we will have Mock NJSLA Testing. As a requirement of mock state testing, the following are protocols that must be followed to ensure the integrity of the testing process: 1) Book bags must be placed in the front of the classroom. 2) All cell phones will be collected. 3) No hoodies are allowed to be worn during testing. In order for students to do their very best, we encourage students to get a good night's sleep, eat breakfast at home or school and arrive at school on time. This will help our students be prepared for testing tomorrow morning. Testing will begin promptly at 8:20am. Thank you for your cooperation, Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment at JAC
10 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
Good day James A. Cotten Intermediate School Community, Picture Day is April 11, 2024. Be sure to select the picture package you and your family would like for your child. We look forward to seeing our students in their selected attire on April 11, 2024. Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment at James A. Cotten Intermediate School
10 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
JAC Picture Day April 11, 2024
To All James A. Cotten Community members, On April 8th we will experience an eclipse. We encourage you to have your child wear protective glasses for their safety. Have a great Spring Break! Dr. Butler
11 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
To the James A. Cotten School Community, Here are a few important dates and notifications: 1) Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 and Thursday, March 28, 2024, there will be NO afterschool programs. 2) Willingboro Public Schools will be closed from March 29, 2024 until April 8th, 2024 for Spring Break! 3) Picture Day is April 11, 2024. Be sure to select the package of pictures you would like for your child. 4) Honors Recognition and Assembly April 26, 2024 4) April 29th to May 3 is NJ Testing Week Regards, Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment at James A. Cotten Intermediate School
11 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
To James A. Cotten Intermediate School, This week , we are having our SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR !!!!! Please come out and support this wonderful book fair for our students! Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment at James A. Cotten Intermediate School
11 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
Good morning!! The James A. Cotten Literacy Night is almost here!!! On Friday, February 23, 2024, from 5:30pm to 7:00pm, James A. Cotten will have activities, books and food for our Family Literacy Night. Come out and join us for a wonderful night at James A. Cotten Intermediate School. Look forward to seeing you there! Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment at James A. Cotten Intermediate School
12 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
To James A. Cotten Intermediate School Community, This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow is the last day to provide permission slips and money for The Love of Cotten Dance, which will be held, Friday, February 16, 2024 at 5:45pm. We look forward to seeing everyone ! Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment at James A. Cotten Intermediate School
12 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
Good morning, The James A. Cotten Intermediate School Community is looking forward to a very special event on Friday, February 16, 2024 at 5:45pm. The For The Love Of Dance event is taking place and we couldn't be more excited! This is a semi-formal dance event for the students at James A. Cotten Intermediate School. All ticket money must be submitted by Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Tickets are $5.00 Look forward to seeing our wonderful students at the dance. Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment-JAC
12 months ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
For The Love Of Dance at James A Cotten Intermediate School
February Events at James A. Cotten Intermediate School : February 2nd- End of Second Marking Period-Early Dismissal/ PD February 5th-9th School Counselor’s Week February 16th-Report Cards- Marking Period 2 February 16th-Honors Awards Assembly for 5th & 6th Grades February 16th -Valentine’s Dance- For The Love of 5:45 pm -7:45 pm February 23rd -Literacy Night- (5:30-7:30pm) February TBD- Black History Month Presentation: J. A. Cotten Legacy Program in the Library with a Special Guest Ms. Charen Cotten, eldest daughter of James A. Cotten February TBD- Black History Staff Luncheon in the Cotten Library
about 1 year ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
To James A. Cotten Intermediate School Community, This is a friendly reminder that school is closed tomorrow for students on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, due to Staff Professional Development. Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment for James A. Cotton Intermediate School
about 1 year ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
To James A. Cotten Intermediate School Community, Willingboro Public Schools will be closed tomorrow due to the impending snowstorm. Be safe everyone. Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler District Administrator on Assignment Willingboro Public Schools Country Club Administration Building 440 Beverly-Rancocas Road Willingboro, NJ 08046 609-835-8600 ext. 1058
about 1 year ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
Dear James A Cotten Intermediate School Community, I am writing to inform you that due to inclement weather, the Willingboro School District will operate on a 2-hour delayed opening schedule tomorrow, January 17th, 2024. This decision has been made in the interest of the safety of our students and staff. The delayed opening will allow additional time to assess and address any weather-related issues affecting our ability to operate safely. We urge all staff and students to exercise caution while traveling to school, and we ask for your understanding and cooperation as we work to ensure the well-being of our school community. It is important to note that the weather conditions will continue to be monitored closely, and there is a possibility of a complete closure if the situation worsens. We will reassess in the morning and provide updates as necessary through our official communication channels, including our website, social media, and local news outlets. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during these weather-related adjustments. Our top priorities are the safety and security of our students and staff, and we are committed to making decisions that reflect this commitment. Thank you for your attention to this important announcement, and please stay tuned for further update
about 1 year ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler
Dear Cotten Cubbies Community, I am writing to inform you that due to inclement weather, the Willingboro School District will operate on a 2-hour delayed opening schedule tomorrow, January 16th, 2024. This decision has been made in the interest of the safety of our students and staff. The delayed opening will allow additional time to assess and address any weather-related issues affecting our ability to operate safely. We urge all staff and students to exercise caution while traveling to school, and we ask for your understanding and cooperation as we work to ensure the well-being of our school community. It is important to note that the weather conditions will continue to be monitored closely, and there is a possibility of a complete closure if the situation worsens. We will reassess in the morning and provide updates as necessary through our official communication channels, including our website, social media, and local news outlets. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during these weather-related adjustments. Our top priorities are the safety and security of our students and staff, and we are committed to making decisions that reflect this commitment. Thank you for your attention to this important announcement, and please stay tuned for further updates.
about 1 year ago, Tanya Glenn-Butler